At The Cottage Background

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Picture

I will be very honest. Quite honest.
I don't know where this post is going to go.
I only have a sense. But not a sure direction.
I have a picture.
An impression.
Not very clear... but not completely obscure.

I was worshiping.
Giving up so much... of me. Of my past. Of so many things.
I had finally gotten to the point where I knew that I needed to just wait.
And I heard the words echo from the evening service at church.....

"Show me."
"Show me."
"Show me.

I heard it first, and then I began to whisper it.
Gaining strength in the saying I repeated it.....
Over and over again.

"God show me. I want to see."

A picture came.
Vivid, but not clear.
I could make out a few things. But I can't make out where or what it can mean.
I asked Him.... and I waited. I stood still. And then I heard it clearly. "Write it."
I am unsure what to say. But I get this sense that somehow by writing it that the understanding of it will come.
This is so far out of my comfort zone that I won't even get started on it.
But I do know this.... I will know.
When the revelation comes. I will know.
There will be an Authenticity.

So here it is.
The picture that I saw.

It is a scene.
A pastoral scene.
A big tree. Round with lush leaves and very very green.
I get this sense that it is somewhere. And somehow this somewhere is important.
It is important and I don't know why.
And I don't know where.
The tree is sitting off to the left a bit and around it is low fencing. But the fence is not a cookie cutter wood.
It get the impression that it is a rush of some sort. Hay, or grass.
There is a feeling of subtle rolling hills around it.
The grass is kept but not manicured.
Green and full of natural beauty.
I can't really see around it.
But is beautiful.
Cool. Cold really.
And that is all.
That is all I can see. And the impression of what I feel about this place.

I have a few more things that I feel that I have been given into the insight of this place, but I am going to hold them back.
I feel like I need to hold them back.

I am stepping out in a different direction.
In a very different way than I am used to functioning.
I didn't hesitate when I heard His pull to put it down.... I am just really unsure as to the why.
I am in this area of learning to trust Him.
Learning anew how to respond to my Heavenly Father.
To trust Him and to believe Him when He speaks to me.
Let me just clarify to you and for myself....
This isn't a kooky thing.
Okay. That word is funny... but  the best one that I can think of to say what I am trying to get at.

Christianity can be a very tricky thing.
Often unsure and unfortunately too often unsafe.
But I want to make something very clear.
It is man that has created the uncertainty.
The doubt. The disbelief.
God has not changed. Nor has His Word.
IF we take God at His word.
If we read it. Study it. Know it.
Take it in context and not out of it, we can so clearly see the picture that God paints for us. And we will begin to lose more of ourselves, our flesh, everything that holds us back from Him, and gain who we truly are in light of who He IS.

He loves us.
He longs for relationship with us.
He is the only true and faithful God.
Worthy of all honor and praise.
And all that He requires is all of us. Our hearts. Our obedience to His word. And our faithfulness.
I dare to believe that if we are a people who believe and know our God, that we would live lives that bare witness to the testimony of the righteous God we serve.
Honesty and not self gain or self at all involved.
A people surrendered and standing firm on the knowledge of Gods Word and the truth of Who and All that He is.
Plain and simple.
If we do this.
Simple. Pure. Unadulterated worship and adoration for our King......
A love that will push us out of the comforts of man, and into a place where we are so secure and dependent on the One who holds it all.
Bowed down low but brought up and out of the miry places that we have long been residing.

And in this new place. The one where nothing is the same as what it has been is where He can move.
Where He will move.
In us and through us.
Always in accordance with His Word and always lined up with His truths.
So I will leave it off here.
Where I don't really understand but where I am willing to wait. To understand.
This is all new to me. And just as foreign as the picture I saw.

I am going to trust Him with this. Like I am trusting Him with so much right now.
He is faithful.
And I will keep proclaiming it as often as I need to say it.
For myself and for everyone out there like me who need to be reminded of it all day long.

Maybe you have things that you are trying to understand.
A promise perhaps. Or just a deeper longing to know Him.
Keep pressing into Him. Drawing near to Him.
Reading and grounding yourself in His Word.
He is faithful.
And He will not let you down.

.... until another tomorrow.


"But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water." 2 Peter 3:5

"But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him:" 1 John 2:5

"Assemble the people—men, women and children, and the aliens living in your towns—so they can listen and learn to fear the LORD your God and follow carefully all the words of this law." Deuteronomy 31:12


  1. The tree. It's alone. It's has a barrier around it but it's not one that keeps things out or away. Almost like a filter or gentle guard. The tree has an understated strength and beauty... It's in a strange foreign land. Green hills and cold air surrounding it. This place, the tree... it has a specific purpose and importance.
    Thank you for being obedient. Because the Lord has whispered to my heart that the tree is you. And the tree is me.

    I love you.

    Always and Forever,

    Jeremiah 17:7-8
    7 "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,whose confidence is in him.8 He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.It does not fear when heat comes;its leaves are always green.It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

  2. Em....
    What do I say?
    What do I say when I have tears running down my face and I am just sitting here with the effect of the emotion. Shaking but no sound coming out. With my hand covering my mouth....
    I didn't even think to think that it would be you. I didn't even go there in my head, or my thought process.
    I am bowled over.
    And I just keep shaking my head.
    No more words.

    I love you.

    Always. Forever. And More than you can comprehend.
    I will never fathom the gift that God has bestowed on me in the persons of you, your sister and brother..... and why me.

    i love you.

